2011. október 27., csütörtök


What  is love? This is a very interesting question, with thousands and thousands answers.
            The researchers says that is only a chemical reactions in the human body, because of some exteriour causes the endorfins grow and produce happiness. Some people says that is a pink cloud and because of that you no longer see anything.

            The love can’t be defined that simple, each and every single human being feels and perceives different ways. The love appears too when you are standing next to that person and you are nervous, your heart starts racing, your palms are sweating and you don’t find your words, the list of that effects can be endless and each one will tell you “yes” that is the love effect. Theese are things that we feel, but anyway, what is the love? Unconditionally love? Eternal love ?  Love at first sight? There is all this?
            I say yes, only that they need to be searched as they are described by other people, because each and every human being feels different.
            In my opinion the love exists when you are attached to a person that you don’t see the defects or even if you see them you have nothing against, you accept him the way he is outside and inside, because his defects are my defects and if I accept him means that I accept myself and I feel good with that person and only to I think at him my heartbeat get bigger or meet him only give me thrills, but however to know that I trust myself and feel safe. To be able to do good and mad things together, but most importantly is to be happy both of us.
            Unconditionally love exists when two persons love each other and live together sharing all, sentimentally and financialy without asking back anything or something instead, all things being mutually.
            Eternal love… hmmm… I think that I will not get into this yet, because the story will be too long.
            Love at first sight, when you see someone and you feel the attraction, the spark that lit and heats you and that’s the person you will think about.
            All theese, acording to me, they                   are not only stories, in my opinion it all exists, only they need to be fined or we need to be very open in order to see, observe and mostly feel.